Wisdom ChannelS 2023
Now in audio
September 2023
What you can do to stay Calm
Greetings dearest beings of light. This is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleaidian mother of sound. In this month of September there is the equinox which is the fall in the northern hemisphere of light and change, and harvest and blessings, and gratitude and the storing up for the winter that there be abundance through the lean times. That was the way of old. But now there is new meaning to the equinox. This new meaning is about healing in the ancestral level in a new and profound way. In the past you could heal your ancestral connections through your interim spirit body and your aura overlapping the physical body. And now due to new connections made since 2012, you can heal into the soul group level of universal life energy in your ancestral energy.
This is a profound and revolutionary change that has never been here before. This means you can clear the human consciousness grid at the lower level of the akash of non-light filled creations. The word akash you can think of as being information of experiences recorded at the spirit level. And this one knows this human akashic consciousness grid is in the dirt of the earth, in the crystalline structure of the silicate minerals. And this means that there will be profound changes in the very dirt of the earth when the memory of war, and of greed, and other selfish deeds of humanity have been cleared. And this will lead to profound abilities and new information for change on earth.
So in the equinox time at the end of September, you might notice more friction in your feelings within your family and coworkers due to the karmic uprising through the ancestral energy. Always look upon your fellow man with compassion for he too has this match that you feel and feels the same thing whether conscious of it or not. For to heal and move energy you must be in compassion, an open heart, and the joy of healing. This is the only way energy can move, for this is the vibration of the compassion of the Creative Source. And if all healing comes from the Creative Source through the soul then it makes sense that one must match that vibration to engage in that healing stream.
What can you do during this time when things are a little more intense in the spring and the fall with the stimulation of ancestral energy through the universal life between soul groups on the human consciousness lower level karmic akash?
So you can either engage in healing, prayer, or simple exercises of compassion. A new one that has not been brought forward before is an exercise we will explain that is profound and deeply resonantes to the soul that you are ready for change.
If you create your sacred space and a tune in your heart to the creator and aligned to the soul in the creator through the Christ or master grid often called the soul mastery grid, you are in the right frame of mind and alignment. It is that simple. From that state imagine a picture of you in the ancestral energy and opposite you is the chain of all of your ancestors some of which are you in other incarnations, incarnations is another word for lifetimes. Once you have this picture in place begin to imagine then coming up from the earth, and coming down from the cosmic, and coming in from the high cosmic into your heart is a stream of golden energy that is going into you and all your ancestors. Simply sit in this picture for if you can 15 to 20 minutes
What this will do is send a message to your soul and your higher self that you are ready not only to heal this energy but that you are actively choosing the highest vibration of resolution. For as this one was taught, the highest color frequency the body can hold is the color gold. Body colors run from black to gold when you work to heal the interim spirit body. But in the crown chakra above the head which is the higher aspect of the seventh chakra there is the ability for higher vibrations. And these colors are often only set at white. But for this exercise we ask you at the end to set your crown chakra at the color white while you still see everyone surrounded in gold.
What this will do is send a message to your soul and higher self that you were wishing to make a transition through the subconscious and the unconscious of the group soul level to heal all the way through to soul.
So this is a more complete picture you are sending the soul of your desire to completely heal your ancestral energy. Isn't it amazing that you can send a message to your soul when you are aligned and attuned to the heart and the Ceator with just a simple picture.
So we invite you to consider the pictures you are holding in your mind and that you make them that what you wish to be as opposed to the illusion if you are in a disharmony of that what you think you are.
This is the most basic and simple language of soul communication… pictures. The next most powerful symbol to speak to your higher self and soul is symbols. Isn't it interesting how most selling through the media by corporations and businesses is through pictures and a corporate's symbol. Therefore we are inviting you to create your own pictures and symbols of yourself and your creating. This is the same exercise, intention, and creation of messaging that is used in American Indian practices when you pick an animal totem. It is the same practice that they do in Buddhism and Hinduism to see a glorified deity which represents some aspect of the Creator that they seek in greater quantity. It is the same methodology used by some of the inner secret societies that have come in time and are still active in your present time. But it is time for these basics of spiritual information to come forward along with the recognition that all people are creators and that collectively we create our reality. So realize that in every disharmony you have there is the ability to rise to a higher level and open to greater higher self and soul communication. This is why religions teach to take your problems to the Creator. This is what we wish you to know this day, you are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and we bid you adieu.
August 2023
Greetings dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian of sound. Peace be with you and joy in this August time frame.
What we wish to speak about this day is the incoming energies for this fall and next year.
Your seasonal calendars and the creational levels of the earth energy are not in sync. The seasonal calendar relies on the solar rotation and the length of day and night. The creational calendar relies on cosmic forces and directives within solar forces. Therefore you cannot always imagine the creational energy and how it works on the Earth. So in this channeling we would like to share the creational energy cycles in a year while we also give you the information we were going to give.
The creational annual year does have a cycle. It begins in the timeframe of the zodiac so it begins in Aries in April in the spring equinox. The details of times are more general in wave forms of energy at the creational level. So you can think of the March Equinox and April energy as in wave form. So you have an equinox, a solstice, an equinox, a solstice, and in August you have a soul group creational engine of all cells working together. So you can think of the first half of the year as bringing in new information and the July August soul group engine work as applying those creations through the creational levels of the group soul, and in the latter half of the year you have the creational forces begin to be applied in the un-manifested levels to manifest in the following spring.
So therefore we speak about the fall and the coming in energies of the following year at this time of year after the group soul engine work, for the higher creational beings that work in the creational levels at that time have a better idea of what will be manifesting. So in June we understand the Creators objectives, and in August we understand the creational objectives to make this happen. So we can say for the fall into the following year the following is affected at the creational levels of humans…
☆ the ability to manifest faster,
☆ the ability to work in groups together
more easily,
☆ the ability to bring in solutions that affect
many disciplines.
This is the major new thing that you will see that is changing, that solutions will apply across broader ranges of effect.
And this is what we are seeing manifesting through the creational levels in the human group soul level that we are sharing with you this day.
So what you can do to prepare for these things and align to them is to continue the idea of the meditations given prior over the last several months now with a new intention.
align to:
the band between the earth and cosmic ring at the periphery of the planet,
the souls forces,
the interim creational grid,
your pineal creation and pineal communication system
with the intention theme:
you are aligning to the new creation
So in the fall you can adjust your meditations to align to the creational energies with soul, and in the spring you can align to the Supreme Beings incoming creations.
We can hear this one in the background mulling about the birthday versus the actual times of feeling the void of soul for she felt the void of soul leaving to go to the creational level of the group soul strongly this year in August. Our answer to that would be that the soul leaves a little bit in August and the soul also pulls back a little bit in December. So the soul in December is a tuning to the creational influences for the following year and other than the annual cycle of a birthday the month before and six months after, these are the times where one might feel a little less presence of soul, for the soul likes to have its communion also so just know that your soul is communing with the greater forces of creation and the Supreme Being when you do not feel it. It is OK.
So we wish you to have understanding that there is always the benevolence, there is always the light, and there's always the help available even if you cannot feel it. Peace be with you you are dearly loved, relax and enjoy the summer, and be with peace.
This was an interesting reveal for several cycles. Regarding the meditation, remember be joyful, light hearted, keep it simple:
ground to earth, align to the cosmic, attune in your heart to the Creator in joy, align to the places and spiritual anatomy listed above, then settle into the intention theme: “aligning to the new creation”.
JULY 2023
Dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. This July we would like to speak about the universal life energy coming into the planet at this time. In this energy is a new upgrade that began in the June Solstice. This energy is filled with a high frequency and vibration of compassion, healing, and new directives for the creational energy.
What does that mean? This means that the healing and creation within humans and groups will begin to take on new aspects and abilities. When will these begin? As soon as you decide to embrace and engage them. In other words they are available now.
So what does it mean healing and creational aspects? It means that healers will have a new energy that they can tap into that has a high level of benevolence, grace, and deeper faster healing ability within it. In the creational levels it will mean that there is an ability to change emotions, thinking, form, and structure, much faster. In other words there will be more fast and immediate healing. And there will be faster change and creation.
So as a healer, or a business person, or any job, or career, or relationship that you are in there will be the ability to create and heal and change within it faster. Indeed this will mean that there will be more disharmony among people and nations. This is mostly what the news will show. But underneath this what they don't show you is that there are many that are working for greater good. And they do not show you the many solutions and change that are happening in nations, among groups, and between individuals. The amount they show you in the news and media of all the disharmony is actually less than one eighth percent (1/8%) of your world. So that means that the majority of people are working for the best and highest good. So maybe it's a good idea to stop reading the paper or watching the news. As they say, focus on what you wish to become.
Particularly this channeling is for healers. Whether you be in the traditional medical profession or in the healing arts using energy work it does not matter. You will see a change in people and their ability to self heal. Doctors will actually be concerned that there are less patients coming in of particular age groups. Now people that are elderly or are at the end of their life journey will continue to need medical care to stabilize their chemistry. Humans have not studied the chemistry of individuals as they approach the end of their life journey. If they had they would not pursue so much intervention to tweak the chemistry back to what they think is normal. What we are about to say we do not mean in judgment. But if you knew and someone were to study the chemistry of what you call dying and they were to make a new paradigm for the labs on this as normal, they would not be so interventional, for they slow down the natural body and spirit processes of passing away. Eventually it will become understood so when we speak of the humans healing faster we are not speaking of this group of peoples.
We are speaking about the younger norm of people before these two groups, the elderly and the passing at any age group. We are saying that the average person will begin to noticeably heal a little faster. This one has already sensed this although she has not cognized it all to understanding. And so have many of you healers out there. So what you will see is that the disharmonies and even the physical pains that people come to you for will change even in one appointment. For this is part of the effect of the new energy coming in. So there are also new healing paradigms that are appearing that are part of this new energy. And some of the healing will now become more focused for the Heart Field. This one has brought in a healing paradigm that she is calling Heart field Healing. We would call it the Heart to the Field healing to be technical because it is clearing an energy from the outer torus out into the Field and into the tribal and national level of healing there. This is new to the planet at this time. For the ability to heal at this level has never been as deep as it is now in your earths cycle at this time.
There will be a few other new healing paradigms that are coming forward. We have spoken about one in Japan that has to do with polarity balancing. And it is percolating in, almost complete, and this too is a higher level of healing through the ancestors through the higher self to the outer soul level of the outer torus. It does not go out into the greater Field outside of an individual’s whole energy field or torus but it does balance the polarity of the energy field for one for what is coming in through the soul and energetic anatomy in the outer torus down through the ancestor energy into the polarity of humans.
Another energy healing system that has yet to come in but will come in beginning in 2024 is an energy that is new to the planet. It is a healing paradigm that heals the galactic soul memory of large planetary disasters. This is different then the Higher Self’s experiencing an earth natural disaster to clear these cataclysmic events. It is the planetary wide cataclysm of a planet going to the end of its life cycle. Group soul energy out in the Field has this memory so this will be a very specific healing paradigm. And this will come in to someone that will bring it forward in the United States and of course it will have to be related to the heart field. So in the coming years of 2024, 2025, and 2026, there will be a change to deeper group healing that will be new on the Earth. This is what we wish you to know this day. You are dearly loved. And we bid you adieu.
June 2023
Greetings dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of Cosmic Service, Pleiadian mother of sound.
In the high galactic there is a sound apparatus that works with the heart field. Now an apparatus is a series of parts that make up a function. And there is an evolved and highly sensitive one involving sound. Not only does it send sound at a frequency that you cannot hear but it also receives in sound. This sound apparatus at the high Galactic in your outer torus receives information from the greater Field of the Creative Source into your little auric field of your inner and outer torus. This communication comes in through your interdimensional DNA.*
This information in sound from the soul sound apparatus in your outer torus is related to your 24th chromosome in your outer torus. The outer torus is a place where there are not only the five soul apparatus we spoke about, and now this new sound apparatus, but also a heart field apparatus. This is predominantly what is in your outer torus energy field. The combination of these three things, a heart apparatus, a sound apparatus, and five soul apparatus, allows you to communicate with the greater field of soul groups and the Supreme Being creational level. This combination of parts works together in three ways. The first way is so that information may be received by the soul regarding the human and that the soul may communicate with the human energetically through the spirit body. The second way is that the apparatus work together to bring in communication energetically concerning the soul group. And the third way is that the Heart Field of the Creator may communicate with the heart field of the human.
The heart field of the human receives information. Isn’t that an amazing thought!
This heart field has an ability not only to receive information but to receive encodements and resonances from the soul.
What is an encodement? It is an ability to change form, structure, and spiritual fibers of the spirit body anatomy for greater function, intuition, enhancement, and evolution. This ability allows souls to affect the evolution of humans through the spirit body.
What is a resonance? A resonance is a particular vibration that carries information, intuition, and feelings through the emotional body that relate to the heart field.
The combination of encodements and resonances gives the soul the ability to change and feel in a way you might not have imagined.
Let us give some examples of this. You walk into a room filled with people and you have a strange feeling. In speaking with someone you have an amazing conversation of something you did not expect. You suddenly have a warmth and an expansive feeling in your chest. That is an example of soul intuition and soul resonance. The intuition was the feeling you had when you went into the room and that something purposeful would happen. The resonance is what took you to that particular person that you spoke with which revealed the conversation that was a truth between you two that you needed to hear. The warmth in the chest was validation that you had a soul experience.
Let us give another example. You wake up in the morning from an unusual dream the remnants of which are still with you. You know that there was someone in that dream that you know in real life today. And the situation made you feel like there was some help needed. Later in the day you get a call or an email from that person. They have a need to talk, so you engage. What reveals itself is that they really needed to talk to someone that day about some problems they were having. And because you listened to the soul message in your dream you were there for them that day. This is a case of soul communication and soul heart connection.
Another example would be if someone called you but ended up being harsh and almost rude. In that case you are simply reflecting between you to the disharmony that is lighting up for that person. In that case you are being a soul reflector to that person so that they may see themselves in another light. Ever have it where you are with people or a person and suddenly they become agitated, angry, or blaming and you said or did nothing in that moment prior to spark that in them? That is being a soul reflector. The soul reflector reflects back to the person what is hidden and blocked in their heart field. It is another type of resonance. But in this case it is a resonance of their own Akashic record.**
So there are many ways that souls communicate through people. It is just that the refined awareness is not there in humans to know this. Another thing that is benevolent of soul to soul resonance is the fact that the soul can actually teach another soul through resonance. This one recently has had that experience by being around some younger college age students. And just by being with them she suddenly knew how to do some things that they were hired to do. It is a matter of being open and childlike in your approach to life. For this keeps the creative juices flowing that you are open to learning throughout life.
So do you have understanding that through the outer torus apparatus the soul can communicate in a soul group way between people? Imagine that you were watching a pack of wolves and or horses running and suddenly they all turn at the same time. Or a flock of birds seem to weave in their flight pattern together. This is an example of soul group resonance and it is what comes in when you have a feeling to join a group to do some spiritual work. It is also part of the soul’s heart intuition that gives you the feeling to join in a particular thing. So have understanding that your soul works hard as a go-between. On the one side it has the creational level of the Supreme Being in the greater Field along with soul groups who are aligned to this creation and on the other hand is the soul in this lifetime expression in a body within a multi dimensional field of all it’s life expressions. So imagine that the is soul is in an advanced training over many incarnations. And in this training it receives enhancements and evolutionary growth.
So we wish you to have understanding that your soul communicates to you in multiple ways and in this understanding perhaps to be a little bit more aware of the synchronicities that your soul creates for you in your lifetime. This is what we wish you to know this day. You are dearly loved. Expect benevolence in all you do. And we bid you adieu.
Interdimensional DNA (IDNA) has 12 strands and is in the central column of the spirit body. IDNA has a correspondence to the cellular IDNA. IDNA connects to the 24th Chromosome located in the outer torus of a human’s 23-26 ft wide energy field. The inner torus of the energy field is composed of the body, the spirit body, and the more subtle aura that is around and through the body. The aura contains the records of the higher self’s earth experiences. The outer aura contains the souls galactic records and spiritual anatomy used by the soul that connects into the inner aura. The outer torus has a connection to the greater Field, outside of all human’s torus of energy, to the realm of soul group and the Supreme Being or Creator’s creational levels.
Akashic Record - this is the higher self’s information of past experiences stored in the aura. It contains information of our past incarnations on the earth. It is like a mix of light filled and non light filled energetic information that is recorded showing how we did in creating spiritually in a lifetime.
the 5 soul apparatus How to Align to the Heart Field
Greetings dearest beings of light. This is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. In this channel we would like to talk about the heart field. The heart field is part of the outer torus and its relation to the fourth center in the chest. This alignment is different than that of the fourth chakra. The heart field is part of the creational energy and is aligned to the Supreme Being pathway in the heart. This heart center is related to the thymus gland of the central pathway in the chest.*
In this field and pathway of energy there is a relationship to the soul apparatus in the outer Torus. An apparatus is many parts of the spirit bodies anatomy that function together for a purpose. In the outer torus there is universal life, the galactic sensing apparatus or five soul senses**, the galactic gateway to the galactic information in your souls records, the galactic ancestral, the galactic divine feminine, and the pineal creation, pineal communication system.
Universal Life, Galactic Soul Senses, Galactic Gateway to the Soul’s Galactic Records, Galactic Ancestral, Galactic Divine Feminine, Pineal Communication Pineal Creation System.
These pieces and parts work together in five apparatus functions.
The first of the apparatus uses universal life, the galactic senses, the galactic soul information, and the gateway to the high seventh chakra creational system. This apparatus has to do with creating with the wisdom of the past and the ongoing creation at the higher creational levels.
The second apparatus uses universal life and divine feminine, the galactic sensing apparatus, the galactic gateway to the soul’s galactic records, and the pineal creation, pineal communication system. This second apparatus has the function of bringing in knowing and inspiration.
The third apparatus uses the universal life, the universal ancestor energy, the pineal creation, pineal communication system, and gateway to the galactic soul information. This third apparatus has a function relating to the souls ability to heal and create for self and others.
The fourth apparatus uses the universal life, the galactic sensing, the galactic ancestral, the universal understanding of soul group work in the soul galactic information, and the divine feminine creational ability. This fourth apparatus function is for women to heal the heart field of the human crystalline grid and the human akashic grid.
The fifth apparatus uses the galactic universal life, galactic divine feminine, galactic sensing apparatus, the galactic soul information, the universal ancestral energy, and their connection to the seventh chakra inner torus high soul apparatus. Its function is for men and women to affect form and structure in the crystalline and akashic grid of humans.
There are many functions to the soul apparatus at the galactic level but these are the ones humans are predominantly using and are predominantly becoming more active in the revolutionary time that you are in. This combination of these five soul apparatus mean that humans are ready to heal in a profound group way and to bring in new information.
We have spoken about the changes going on in the galactic band at the periphery of the planet between the earth and the galactic bands. These changes or enhancements there have made two of these apparatus come online or ready to function. We have spoken about the need for humans to clear the human crystalline and akashic grids. And how this will speed along the evolution of the planet and contribute to a faster smoothing of the upheaval caused by the increasing higher energy into the planet in these times.
We speak of healing the planet grids often because we are involved in this task. And the heart field is becoming more active in humans because of the set ups and changes that are being made, are ongoing, and will continue. These will bring new and profound healings, information, Inspiration, and devotion to the creative source by those who love to attune to it. In the creation of the planetary grid system and the giving of the 24th chromosome into the interdimensional field with the subsequent physical reduction to 23 visible chromosomes, there was put in place five aspects that are enhanced in this time of the shift change time of a planetary system.***
As we have said two of these are online or functioning now. And over the next 15 years the other three will also come online. We will speak of the other three in our next channel. But we would like to speak about the two mentioned above that are already active. Regarding how to attune to the heart field in this new activated apparatus spoken about above. One can attune in the three ways as we have mentioned in this one's monthly channel on her website. These three ways are through healing, through attuning to the galactic band as we spoke about in previous channels in the Sedona Journal, and by aligning in the heart to the creative source.
A further and more profound way to do this that also engages not only the heart field but the new apparatus mentioned above is to do the following; attune to the heart field in love for the greater good of all, attune to the galactic band at the periphery of the planet between the galactic and earth bands, and attune to the sound in the pineal creation, pineal communication system that is in the high seventh chakra Supreme Being pathway.
These three intention alignments will attune you to the fourth and fifth apparatus mentioned above that have come into function and online, to use your technical terms for your communication technology. This will create a resonance in your soul apparatus, your supreme being pathway energies, and your pineal creation system which also runs through the higher aspects of the higher self. This will help attune your higher self to greater soul alignment and function. And this will help you attune your higher senses beyond your physical and spiritual senses to the soul senses. It will also align your heart field to the greater field outside the outer torus.
In the coming months of this year 2023, there will be an increase in a harmonic frequency starting to run in the galactic band that will also affect these apparatus that are for the healing of the grids. So expect that your intuition, your knowing, and your sensing will become heightened through this year. To explain knowing we would call it high soul sensing of that which is in your galactic records of your experiences. This is vast and great wisdom so that it is called knowing. You are certain of this information. And as we have stated this is a feeling in your heart field.
So we suggest you consider trying this new intention alignment when you meditate, heal, pray, or engage in anything that has to do with alignment to the creative source. This is what we wished you to know this day and to share with you. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and feel, and hear, and we bid you adieu.
* The Supreme Being Pathway is within the 4th Center and goes to aspects in the high 7th Chakra and out into the outer Torus. It the key that drive creational energy. The heart center regulates all the energy of the body.
** The five physical senses have five spiritual senses called by some the Genetic Entity. Another name is the Sensing Apparatus These relate to the the five soul senses. Your senses are how the soul gains information and they go from the body all the way to the soul.
*** The Pleiadian term for what some are calling the shift, planetary evolution, the change in the midpoint of earth’s evolution, the galactic center alignment, the changing light quotient of the earth, and planetary enlightenment.
May 2023
Dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. This is the spring in the northern hemisphere and the earth is filled with it’s up growing and blooming forces of nature. In this blooming there is also an understanding within the consciousness of those who serve the earth, such as elementals, devas, those of the mineral kingdom, those of the water kingdom, and those of the air, that there is also the celebration of the new energies that came in last August.
In these directives that came through mother earth in her receiving of the directives from the creative source, there is a new and renew of creation. This creation then percolates in forces within the Earth during the winter. And all of the kingdoms in nature mentioned above prepare in their energetic way to bring forward that which is in these directives. This strange concept is explained in metaphors of kingdoms and divisions of elements and of beings for understanding. But in truth it is a collective of the creative force in nature which operates as one. Whether you call this mother nature, mother earth, Gaia, or any other name you wish to give, it is still one cohesive force.
What if the Creator was simply manifesting in the Earth and you sense it is something separate and label it something different? What if the Creator is in all forms, and all energies, and all forces but takes on different disguises? This is an interesting thought. For the creative directives that brought in humans into planet earth, or prepared the Earth for humans is another way of saying it, were brought from the creative source so that souls could carry through creative forces into form. These are several ways of looking at the Creator in all things.
Humans are not at a place yet where they can imagine these things happening in this way. But in the future when there is understanding through new discoveries and new sensitive equipment to bring forth these discoveries, these concepts will be developed in human consciousness, science, and physics as a new way of looking at your world. For when you begin to see that there is an intelligence behind creation and you begin to see that there are aspects of those forces in all things you will come to see that the Creator is in all. It is not that you will prove there is a God. It is that you will begin to realize that creation is purposeful and perhaps there is something divine or purposeful in creation, in the bringing about of creation, and in the processes of evolution in creation.
What we would like you to understand is that there is a way already now for humans to create a feeling within themselves that is connected to this over arching creative force or divine intelligence that is in all things. One way to do this is to get in your heart love of the Creator, and intend at the periphery of the planet the space between two rings at the very edge, and imagine that that space in between is where are you intending, and then imagine that you are calling your soul song into all of you. So focus again in your heart love of the Creator, imagine you are at the same time at the band between two rings at the edge of the planet, and engaging your soul song in all of your being. These three things will create a resonance that is very similar to the creation of energies that you will discover in the future that will reveal the divine intelligence or underlying synthesis behind all creation.
So to describe the planet and the two rings a little better, imagine that at the farthest outer ring on the other side is the black starry space, and then there is the space of the band in between, and going closer to the Earth there is the second ring, and on the other side of this inner ring there is the Earth and the upper stratosphere.
So this is what we wish you to have a picture of for the part we described earlier in case you have a lack of understanding of how to imagine this.
Align these three things, imagine that you are engaging them, and they are filling with your souls forces in all three. There is a resonance that is set up between the earths upper chakras, your souls divinity in all things, and the Creator connection in your heart space in the thymic central chest.
When this resonance is established and you practice staying in the space you can feel almost as if there is an uplifting energy moving you up higher. This is not the same Energy that yogi’s who levitate work with. They are reversing some of the electromagnetic forces to ride up above the gravity of the Earth. The uplifting force here is the spirit body rising up by the pull of the soul.
So this is a good practice to begin to feel and align to the benevolence of the creative forces in all things. We hope this brings you a new practice that is easy and graceful and that you can engage in at any time, anywhere, when you need to feel uplifted. It is also good for tuning to the Creator.
This is what we wish you to know this day. You are dearly loved. Expect benevolence in all you do. And we bid you adieu.
APRIL 2023
More Ways to Move Energy
Greetings dearest beings of light. In this sharing of information, we will bring forward other ways of aligning and balancing as we stated in March. The ways of moving the cosmic, earth, and heart energies given in the March information exchange is suggested to do prior. This will bring movement and quite the field of your cosmic and earth energy, and your astral and etheric energy in resonance to the heart field. A reminder that your astral is your feeling nature and your etheric is your thinking nature. Thus when these two energies are moving and aligned with the heart field, they quiet your energy.
The next way of alignment we wish to add is that which relates to your Universal Life System. The Universal Life is that which is common to all beings and relates to the Universal Field. The Universal Field is the field that all live within and is part of the earth and Supreme Being forces. In the movement of the Universal Life Field is a calming of the field of all who share in this field which is like a quieting of the energies in the central column or middle of your being.
To do this intention, imaging that in the middle of you is a column of light that attaches at the top above your head and the bottom below your feel to a golden ball. One at each end above and below you. Imagine that from the top ball a few feet above your head a stream of energy goes through the column and down into your head and through your torso into this column to the bottom of the torso, then in this column down between the legs and into the gold ball a few feet below your body’s feet. Then imaging this energy goes back up the same pathway back to the gold ball above the head. Do this for about five minutes to clear the Universal Life Energy Pathways.
After you do this pathway, imagine the same from the gold ball above but only going down as far as the heart field in the center of the chest. This turns at the heart also and goes back into the gold ball above. Do this for five minutes to clear the Universal Life Energy Pathway of the heart. This will clear and calm the heart field of your emotional and mental energies relating to this field.
After you run these five energy pathways with your intention, just imagine and watch, it is that easy. You can run the sixth and final pathway which will calm the whole energetic anatomy of a human, inner body and aura, and outer aura and Higher Self energy. The Higher Self’s energy relates to the karmic and human universal akash or stored memories which is where most of your disharmonies come from.
It is all the mis-creations of the use of your energy through you past history on the earth while in form which accumulates here. The goodness and light you created in this past history is stored at the higher octave of the human consciousness grid and serves in purpose to give you the healing light when the soul’s energies enter into it.
The sixth pathway is that of the Divine Feminine, the aspect of this energy that both male and females share. Again it is to imagine this energy and intention just as you did with the Universal Life Energy going from the gold ball atop through to the gold ball below and back up again over, through, and around the Heart Field in the chest.
For women there can be the addition of the intention to run the same energy in the heart field as women have a double connection through the heart. Run the Divine Feminine from the top gold ball down to the heart field in the center of the chest and back up through and the body back to the gold ball above. Consider attuning to the Creator when you do this. To recap; the Divine Feminine for men and women in the central column between the above and below gold balls goes through the heart but for women it also goes through the heart field in another loop between the above gold ball and the center of the chest Heart Field.
So we encourage you to add this sequence of all six intentions and visualizations of running your earth, cosmic, Universal Life, Universal Life Heart Field, and Divine Feminine energy for men and women. And women add the Divine Feminine Heart Field unique to women. Peace be with you, you are dearly loved, and we bid you adieu. Allaenea of Cosmic Service, Pleiadian Mother of Sound.
1) Earth Energy - coming up and out of the Earth, up and through and over the body, and back down to earth.
2) Cosmic Energy - at the top of your head comes down and at the bottom of your feet turns back up through and over the body and back out.
3) Heart Cosmic - coming down swirling through in and around the heart in the center of the chest, the energetic heart, going back through and around the chest, the head, and back up.
These three intentions and visualizations calm the earth, cosmic, astral feeling, and etheric thinking energies in resonance to the Heart Field.
4) Universal Life - a column of light that attaches at the top above your head and the bottom below your feel to a golden ball, run the energy from the top ball to the bottom ball and then back up.
Calms the field of the universal life energy that relates to all who share this field.
5) Universal Life Energy of the Heart - energy from the top gold ball down to the energetic heart in the center of the chest turns going back through and around the chest back to the gold ball.
Clears and calms the heart field of your emotional and mental energies relating to this field
6) Divine Feminine Energy - imagine this energy and intention just as you did with the Universal Life Energy. From the gold ball atop through to the gold ball below and back up to the gold ball above.
Calms the whole energetic anatomy of a human; inner body and aura, and outer aura and Higher Self energy.
7) For women, the Divine Feminine Heart Field of Women: imagine this Divine Feminine energy running from the
top gold ball down to the chest and back up just as you did for the Universal Life Energy of the Heart.
This will calm the Heart Field of women in relation to the Divine Feminine Heart of all women who share
this field.
March 2023
The Equinox of 2023
The universal life energies coming in this spring will bring up a feeling of desire to do good. They will bring up in some a difficulty in being able to stay centered. And in others they will bring up the fear of lack in the desire for more. For the energies in the northern hemisphere in spring at the equinox drive up desires in the ancestral energy. While in the southern hemisphere the equivalent of their equinox brings up the lack of the opposite of desire, the wanting to tear away and break down. You will even notice these fluctuations in the Ukrainian war. For the war started in February and it looked like the Ukrainians did very well and if you follow a synopsis of the year you will see the pattern of ebbs and flows.
How does one align to the benevolent forces in the changing annual cycle of energies? One can do this by raising their energy up in joy and laughter, staying aware, and being heart centered. For in this alignment in awareness one can fulfill this task more easily. There are other ways to stay in alignment. There is the movement of breath. There is the movement of the body particularly the arms and the legs. There is the song and the voice raised in energy, for using the voice and sound creates movement and in some cases with alignment it can bring healing. A new way we wish to talk about this day is to consider exercising your energy field like it is a body. There are three energy systems that you can intend and visualize movement in that will also help create alignment.
1) The first of these energy fields is the Earth energy and imagining that it comes out of the Earth up and through and over the body and back down to earth. 2) The second energy field is to imagine the cosmic energy at the top of your head comes down and at the bottom of your feet turns back up through and over the body and back out.
3) And the third energy field is to imagine your heart within the cosmic has energy coming down swirling through in and around the heart in the center of the chest, the energetic heart, and goes back through and around the chest, the head, and back up.
If in meditation you do each of these energy fields for approximately five minutes you will achieve a great state of calm, balance, and alignment.
In this alignment with intention to align to the creational energy and the creative source one will have a larger effect through the inner and outer torus when you do this exercise. So consider this as a practice for the month of March and see how you like it. Then in April we will give another never brought forward before easy way of reaching, a combination, of the higher self to align it to soul.
So we are suggesting that over the next three months you consider practicing these new tools and notice what you see, and feel, and perceive in yourself and others. We say others because how you perceive others is a reflection of your own state of balance and conscious. So we are bringing in a guidance for a new way that is simple and quick to move energy to stay in alignment for this one has been feeling like her old tools are not working as well as they used to. And this is because of the new energy coming into the Earth that we have spoken about over the last series of channels.
So although we say we do not teach, we do not preach, we are still going to make suggestions according to what we see is the need at this time and also because it was request by this one. So this is short and sweet and what we wish to share. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and we bid you adieu. Allaenea of Cosmic Service, Pleiadian Mother of Sound.
February 2023
Greetings dearest beings of light. This is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. The spring equinox brings in the flavor for the coming year. By this we mean that the creational forces of the Supreme Being are known and merging into the living creation of mother earth. And in humans this means the potentials for creating are known for the year in as far as the strongest potentials for manifesting come forward. Therefore we would like to talk about the strong potentials for manifesting this year. This is not the same as a prediction. This is more a tease and a focus that one can have to align to the benevolence in the creational forces.
In this coming potential to manifest in the hearts of humans is a new type of energy. This energy is about the heart field and compassion. In the heart field is the compassionate heart. The compassionate heart is a heart aligned in love with the Supreme Being or Creators manifesting directives. By directives we mean desired outcomes of evolution. And in the benevolence of the heart field that is here this year there is an incoming force of greater compassion. What does this confusing bunch of phrases mean? It means that the hearts of humans will feel more compassionate. And it means that the potential to do more in alignment with the greater good is stronger. It also means that the potentials for new inventions and solutions is stronger in this type of energy.
In this new incoming heart field energy as an individual you can align in your own heart with the sound of your voice attuned to your akash in benevolence to feel and be in your souls unique vibration. This is often referred to as the energy of your original essence, which is your life force and personal power combined. Your personal power is given to you over your increase in incarnations on the Earth as well as your increase in creating in benevolence for the greater good in intention. And so your original essence is your higher self and soul in alignment with the best that you are and the best that you have created. We do not mean to imply that there is better or worse or there is higher and lower, we mean to imply that you have a higher more natural vibration that is you. And this is often referred to as the vibration of your interdimensional DNA. But we feel that your original essence, from what we see, is a soul force and that your interdimensional DNA is a soul creational force. There is a subtle difference.
In the alignment of the coming year there are three stages that are prevalent to be able to be identified. The first is around the May June timeframe. And it is the ability to bring forward benevolence in healing especially the healing of large groups. We have spoken in past channels about the energy changes going on at the periphery of the planet. And this May, June time frame is a meshing of those new energies at the periphery of the planet with the earths forces thereby enabling a shift in the healing energy as you have known it.
The second potential of benevolence we see is in the timeframe of July and August. It is involving a universal life perspective with a greater influx of force into the group level of universal life which is the level of nations, tribes, the unifying field, and the heart field. And this means that the universal life in these levels will become enhanced as well as more active. This could mean greater flareups of large groups. And it can also mean greater healing of large groups.
The third potential that we see is in the timeframe of October and November. This timeframe has an influx of an energy that is difficult to describe. The best way for us to describe it is imagine that there is within the cosmic energy an ability between planetary forces for waves of benevolence to come that are aspects of multi planets. In other words it is a multi planetary interim force energy of benevolence. You can think of interim energy as that which is creational and picking up the flavor of manifestation that has happened. So interim energy is like a between energy and a mixed energy. It takes a little bit from that which it has touched and creates a third energy that is between all the energies. It is not anyone energy but is now a unique and completely different energy. So at this time there will be coming in to the Earth a new multi planetary interim energy based on where you are in your journey through the galactic. It will be difficult to know exactly the effect this new energy will have. But the planets that it is affected by are all of benevolence. So we can assume that the effects of this are also benevolent. We expect that this will cause sudden shifts in directions of the course of events. And we will leave it at that.
So we hope that you feel inspired by these energies and potentials coming this year and that you tune in to them in your meditation again aligning to the periphery of the planet between the earth and the galactic bands. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do and intend, and we bid you adieu.
January 2023
Incoming Potentials to Align to
in the beginning when humans were created there was always a plan by the Creator. And every planetary system that is evolved by humans has a plan. And that plan is simple. It is to create a state of being within the human and the planet of oneness. What does that mean? Does that mean that the human and the planet are to become one? Does that mean that the human and the planet are to become one with the Creator through their form? Or does that mean that the human and the planet are to create in oneness in alignment with the Creators plan? The latter is the most accurate description. For although each planet of beings may create in some ways with their own free will on what they will choose, there is an underlying over arching plan of the Creator.
So the challenge for any beings on a planet is not only how much they will align their will and are creating with the Creator but how much will they choose to follow the Creators plan. This cannot be proven nor is it a religious construct. It is the fabric of evolution and creation or how else could there be universal science, universal atomic structure, and universal physics starting to be found in other planetary systems. And more of this similarity will be revealed in the future as humans continue space exploration. Even space exploration is within the creators plan to assure resources, ways of creating, and understanding of balance in each planetary system. So that idea of lack is a human creation. For there is always the ability to create out of the hidden physics of the creators system of creating.
So the potential's coming forward for humans over the next three years, 2023, 24, 25, and into 26, have much to do with an understanding of higher will which can also be called the Creators will or creating for the best and highest of all. So the understanding of what humans come to think and create in the next 3 to 4 years will shape the next several decades by setting a tone. And it is the potential to create in benevolence for all that will bring forward the highest good. For the time capsules* that have been spoken about will begin to push their information forward of solutions that were placed by those who laid the grids**. And these potentials of inventions within the time capsules have a potential to be used for the greater good of all. One can see there is basically a dichotomy happening between the new and the old energies now. The new younger people, with their new to this planet consciousness, as they begin coming into power to take greater responsibility in society, there will be a natural evolution to a more benevolent energy. For the new consciousness of the new children is based in the greater good of all.
But it is in the avenue of money and greed where most human failings can occur. If this America and society could turn away from the materialism and money to the core value and ideals paradigm once again as was done in the founding of this country*** there is a great potential for benevolence and the outcomes of the use of these new inventions coming forward. Although we do not preach nor teach, we do bring forward points that humans are already aware of to help solidify and validate these thoughts and feelings.
So the incoming potentials to align to for this year and the coming years is to choose the heart field. And much of the heart field will be the discussion that we bring forward in the coming year. For greater understanding of this field and its energetic and spiritual energetic anatomy connections to humans will inspire you to be more aware of your heart and whether your heart is feeling energies of upliftment or of devolution. So we wish you to have an understanding that your heart is the leader. Even this one (Rowley) was amazed in studying the fetal development in anatomy that originally the heart is formed over the head. And as the fetus develops in the womb the heart comes down forward into the chest and the ribs and sternum form around it. And she thought what greater hint could God give than to show us this that our heart is more important than our head. So dearest beings this is more than a hint. This lets you know that the heart is related to something outside of you while your inner organs are mostly with in an inner system.
And it is this unveiling of the hearts relationship to that which is outside of you that we will speak more of in the coming months. What you can consider during this year is to become more heart aware. To be more hand aware.**** To become more sound aware. To become more voice aware. To become more aware of the thoughts before you speak and there is even the potential to hear the sound creation before the formation of the words in your head before you speak. We encourage this because it exercises a different spiritual sensing apparatus***** using your higher creational anatomy and heart. And this is like exercising an organ or a muscle to take on greater use. So in the coming year take on this challenge, have fun, play, and explore. For you will learn much with your intuition in this process. You are dearly loved. Expect benevolence and all you do and say. And we bid you adieu. This is Allaenea of cosmic service Pleiadian mother of sound.
* Time Capsules - information, ideas, inventions, and solutions of those who came before us who worked and solved the evolutionary puzzle.
**Grids - Human, and one for each species, and other types. Energetic collective data banks of information. Interim energies that record happenings and changes.
*** Founding of America - based on the high ideals of the declaration of independence. Interestingly we are in similar alignment now as was in that time. Spirals!
**** Hands - are related to the heart, the chakras around the mouth, voice, throat and larynx, respiration, and sound.
***** Apparatus - two or more spiritual organs that operate as one for a greater function.