Women’s Resonance Healing
with upshifts of Intuition and Knowing


Are you ready to embrace the new upshift for women in the new divine feminine energy of the great shift?

Are you ready for a renewal of your feminine intuition, knowing, and healing abilities?

And are you bold and confident enough to take on the evolutionary healing paradigm for women gifted in grace for profound upgrades and healing.

Knowing intuItion Healing

Are you intrigued to find out about why you as a women are so special?

Do you wish to learn more about your women’s intuition and knowing and about how the Christ Healing abilities of women are different.

Are you interested in learning how to live in harmony personally in the annual solar cycle?

Are you curious about how to heal within this cycle?

Are you ready to embrace an easy elegant new resonant women’s healing ability that is gifted for use only 3 times in our earth history?

What is Women’s
Resonance Healing?

It is s the sweetest journey. It is what you have been searching for.
It is that soul’s desire for the new divine feminine up shift.

Begin an ancient lineage of transformation for these magical times we are within.

At the time of the great shift, the revival of our ancient Lemurian intuition, knowing, and Christ healing paradigm for women is brought back and enhanced.

This allows for healing of the primary cause which is necessary to heal the human consciousness grid and many other profound things still unfolding.

This healing paradigm is only here for a short period of time so that we may move through the Great Shift in grace.

This transformative course is a journey that will take you to a place of new understanding, tools, and sacred space.
Explore and open to the upshift of female intuition and knowing.
Indulge in the renewal of resonance Christ healing for women.

In the new paradigm of the great shift is also an upgrade to personal power and divine intelligence in the heart field. This is a new and remarkable thing for no healing system has been able to clear what is called the heart field valence before. And now it can be done in this benevolent healing paradigm.

WhaT You Will Learn

Part 1

The New Christ Healing Energy

Four videos

Gentle enhancements to the new evolutionary healing energy with remembrances of the soul’s divinity.

Part 2

The New DIVINE FEMININE Healing Energy

Four videos

Sweet enhancements to the new divine feminine evolutionary healing paradigm with remembrance of the soul’s prime essence.

Part 3

The New women’s intuition

Four videos

Profound enhancements to women’s intuition with the soul’s divine prime, divine feminine, and galactic Christ divine feminine remembrances.

Part 4

The New women’s paradigm of Healing

Five videos

The Great Global Healing Party Lion’s Gate Portal Upgrade, integrations, teaching, and deeper understanding.

Part 5

The New Resonance Healing

Five videos

Understanding and How to Do Resonance Healing

Part 5A

BONUs, Deeper Teaching,
and a gift

Deeper Teaching for understanding.

What is with in the surprise gift?


This incredible priced course has:

🪷 22 Videos To embark on a wonderful

🪷 2 Handouts A Video Primer
Steps for Resonance Healing

🪷 Exercises of doing, sensing, and learning.

🪷 The enhancements needed for:
Women’s New Intuition
Women’s Resonance Healing.

Heart Field Healing II for Women has all that you need to give you the tools, understanding, and keys to begin your own unfolding to greater women’s intuition, knowing, and resonance healing capability.

These tools are part of a living wisdom teaching.
Practice and study is required to become the new resonance of this new space of intuition and knowing within the great annual galactic cycle in your awareness and being.

The teachings within this course are sacred, timeless, ancient, and eternal. So come back…… you can practice at home on your own, revisit this course again, practice again, and do so such that in one year for the majority of women, you will be in this new delicious space. This teaching will be part of you. Expand Play Explore

HEart Field Healing II Course for Women

The tools, understanding, and enhancements needed to create your own sacred temple and engage the ancient soul art of self transformation, and get enhanced to do women’s resonance healing with others.
New upgrades for modern times.
A library of profound videos to access whenever you want.

One time

It is time for women To be resplendent again.