The Heart of Women Conclave

Monthly Group

Live Monthly
Group Only

12 Meetings a year
First Tuesday of each month, 7:30 PM EST

$36 A Year

Wisdom, Understanding, Healing, Live
Channelings, Inspiration, and Active
Mediation Practice via Zoom Online.

For WOmen Membership


the Heart of Women Conclave live Monthly Group

72$ A year

Advanced Channelings and Information, Live Workshops, Special Energy Sessions, and more.

Only a women can get the validation she needs of her spiritual nature from another women because of the connections that women have to the divine intelligence and the soul groups out in the greater field. Men do not have this such you can not get that validation there. So the Women’s Conclave is a place where women have the authority and connection to validate each other in a sacred space because only women can do that for each other.
— The Akasha

Meet Your Teachers and Guides

  • Creator and Inspiritor

    This is the place to practice the meditation tools you learned in Active Meditation and engage in group healing's. These healings are deeper and further enhanced by taking Heart Field Healing and Heart Field Healing II.

    Over 36 sessions, you can clear all the way up to the golden akash!There are living wisdom teachings, channelings, and you will lean about your female spiritual anatomy and deepen your love of being a women!

  • Pleiadian Mother of Sound

    Here to inspire and assist us through The Great Shift,. she and her group work in the unity field of the heart field for Heart Field Healing, grid healing, higher self soul group healings, and bringing in many upgrades for women along with helping to guide us to heal the heart field of the human consciousness grid.

  • The Creator's instrument

    Soul to soul healing is possible because we unite as one heart. And in the unique window of the great change, healing and evolution happen in group work so that we may birth the new spiritual paradigm to carry us forward. Get healing personally for yourself while you give healing universally to all!

  • The force of love is the divine intelligence through love through the creative source in the heart field.


  • it is the creative principle.


  • In the throws, in the throws, of a world in chaos. In the throws, in the throws, of human’s who feel hopeless, Rise up as one and sing your song, Rise up as one and claim the grid of healing

    Song of Profound Evolution
    of the Lemurian Healing Women of the Temple of One

  • Rise up as one and clear the heart field that the song of light may come forward, that the new song of light may come forward, that the song of light may come forward.

    Song of Profound Evolution
    of the Lemurian Healing Women of the Temple of One

Gain Confidence

Understand your unique sacredness as a women in your energetic anatomy and how to work with it.

Gain Mastery

Mastery is energy management. Learn how to balance, manage your energy, shift your consciousness, and dance with grace in life.

Gain wisdom

Wisdom is understanding united with compassion. The head and heart aligned. Get deeper insight into the complexes that affect us all.

Gain Healing

Healing is one of your four spiritual natures. And group healing is available now for faster, deeper releasing in to deeper levels of creation.

Gain Lightness of Being

You true authentic self is full of light, movement, joy, peace, and a lightness of being you can reclaim now.

Gain Purpose

Join with like minded souls to clear our higher selve’s akash thus increasing the light balance on the human conscoiusness grid.

Reclaim your sacred profound Spiritual lineage