The inner sanctum
for women

Within you will find

  • A once a month online group for women with guided meditations, inspiring information, channelings, healings, and enhancements.

  • A library full of helpful information of physical, lifestyle, energy management, natural treatments, and kitchen wisdom for the body, mind, and spirit from the Naturopathic Doctors perspective.

  • Learning to work with the spiritual aspects of your soul in the body and akash for healing and greater self integration. One of the coolest, mind blowing capabilities within your spiritual nature.

  • Revelations and insights in the work as it expands. New workshop and series announcements.

  • Information about women’s unique energetic spiritual sacredness, current states of the human collective, and new channeled information.

  • Advanced spiritual information and channelings and current states of the human collective both timely and eternal.

  • Information and channelings about the evolution of these ancient tones brought back in modern times. And there application and purpose
    to both the individual and group in service for the greater good to heal the Human Consciousness Grid.

  • Videos, resources, and updated information about Heart Field Healing for practitioners.

$ 36

The Heart of Women
Conclave Monthly Group
12 Meetings a year
First Tuesday of each month 7:30 PM EST


annual membership

BOth the Inner sanctum
and the Heart of Women
Conclave Monthly Group