The Wonder of Human Design is a resource for mind, body, emotion, feeling, and spiritual well being, inspired by Dr. Wendy Rowley to share knowledge that we may create profound and benevolent healing together. May you find balance, joy, healing, and well being in partaking in the tools, classes, workshops, healing modalities, group events, and resources offered.

Dr Wendy Rowley

Dr Wendy Rowley creates guidance, tools, and opportunities for women and men to become self empowered through self nurture. In all her work she encourage people to hold a strong conviction in their body’s ability to heal itself and their ability to create and heal. As a unique combination of licensed Naturopathic Doctor, multi-level clairvoyant reader, energy healer, and intuitive channel, she see people’s abilities and potential to heal what is blocking their creative flow. As an archeologist of the spiritual energy anatomy through meditation, a trained chef, a teacher, lecturer, writer, artist, and gardener, with a 40 year deep calling to energy medicine, sound and spiritual healing she unites these gifts in service to a communal creation. Together she and the client or group hold the space of openness and spiritual mastery to create change.

“My ideal is a philosophy of benevolent compassion through service to enliven the heart’s potential for healing that is the resonance of the divine within us all. 

Her most recent work, The Tones of the Heart For Women, Heart Field Healing For Men and Women, and Heart Field Healing II For Women has been described by others in the spiritual community as the beginning of a new healing paradigm and the use of new aspects of the soul within the spiritual energy anatomy.

For individuals, she assists the shift back into balance through normalizing body biochemistry, providing education, and encouraging release on the more subtle mental/emotional/spiritual energy levels. Assisting to bring about the change in consciousness necessary to open communication in the energy pathways for the soul’s expression to re-establish the natural state of coherence of the spirit, heart, mind, and body.

For groups Dr. Wendy shares information regarding wellness, healing, the body, consciousness, the spiritual anatomy, and energy medicine, and assists healing change for evolution via spiritual energy work.

In her own words, “In 2010 there was a large shift in energy healing that had been evolving with clients through the decade of 1990 to 2000. People began healing faster, in to their souls’ quantum past, and much deeper issues. Whole complexes began to be resolved in 1 to 2 sessions which used to take 5 to 6. 

This to me was evidence that human consciousness was indeed evolving. In 2016 this again increased exponentially, and now large groups can heal in a profound way in this new energy of the great shift of evolution to even clear the human consciousness grid of old consciousness. Are we poised in a still point within this great shift where amazing things are possible? Why not take advantage of this unique opportunity!

“What drives me in this work is the joyous potential of our co-creating together and witnessing a magical moment of the soul, the opening to “the possibility of everything”. 
 Together we witness the change in quantum moments in time with our new soul abilities which are becoming enhanced during this time of the great shift of the ages that we are in.

We collapse time in the consciousness journey of the soul and human being into an act of sharing in a cooperative living space that enlivens the light we all contain to be used for the benefit of all.

We assist our healing process by shared intent and the willingness to change in the still point of infinite potential through the Creator’s benevolent compassion and Christ energy in the soul so that together we bring about healing.

My role is one of sharing information and guidance; we are each our own healers yet at the same time connected together by and in the fabric of divine love and intelligence. We are indeed all one. In ancient history, “to commune” meant to bring the Creator’s light into our spiritual bodies. And “To heal,” meant to bring the Creator into our soul and into our spiritual bodies for the transmutation and evolution of form. This is a different thinking and focus than the modern day paradigm of medicine and disease.”

Dr. Wendy received her Doctorate in Naturopathic Medicine and a Masters in Human Nutrition at the University of Bridgeport, CT and maintains a Naturopathic License in Connecticut. She has a Bachelors of Science in Dietetics from the University of Connecticut and an Associates in Occupational Studies from the Culinary Institute of America. She is a Certified Practitioner of Jin Shin Jyutsu, and has 2 Certificates for 3 and 5 year programs in Spiritual Intuitive and Healing Training, and certified in Biological Decoding. She considers herself an archeologist of the soul for she has deeply explored the akasha for spiritual information, understaning, healing tools, and human evolution. She studied in depth the human energetic spiritual anatomy through the process of balancing the light quotient of her own akasha and assisting others in their healing.


Dr. Wendy Rolwey
Village Naturopathic, LLC
The Wonder of Human Design
Fairfield, CT 06824


Online - Zoom, Facetime, Phone
Local - by appointment individual and group
Group - workshops, events