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When you see an asterisk * it means there is a gift of a sound alignment or activation within the episode. If new to sound work….the melodic sounds are your soul engaging in the spiritual anatomy, the engine sounds are the soul forces doing the work.
THe Mission and Friction of the Soul
Allaenea of Cosmic Service, Pleiadian Mother of Sound
Regarding the ability of a soul to manifest through the higher self into a body in form in three dimensional structure there are three things required. There is required the joy, there is required the alignment, and there is required the intention.
The joy is of earth although there is a cosmic joy but it is mainly of the earth manifesting. The alignment is of the heart and the creational energies. The alignment to the Supreme Being for the many levels of creation to respond to the human in their desire that it be, of course, always for the greater good. And the intent is an order, like an instruction set, or a directive, to the creational, the soul, the supreme being, and the higher self for the manifesting.
The body is concerned about survival. So the human is often concerned about wanting material things of survival. Wanting to be liked, wanting to love, wanting family, wanting home, wanting money, wanting abundance, wanting to own some possessions, wanting to have power, wanting to have the ability to be effective in their world. These are basically all first chakra time line desires as the first chakra is the only chakra in linear time. The chakras are energy centers in the spiritual body overseeing the physical body. The first chakra is about the body, food, survival, and things of that nature.
But the other chakras are multi-dimensional and their aspects of manifesting go beyond the first chakra. They go beyond time. And they go beyond the human’s intention for those things of the first chakra. They are of the sphere of fractals. Of desires for creation of the Creator in its intention through blueprints of species, of galactic energies, of times and places in space, of energies of evolution, and of course of healing, because in order to have evolution you have to have healing.
And there is healing that goes beyond the physical body. That goes into the realms of healing of the higher self and soul, and the planetary vibrations of emotions, and the planetary vibrations of thoughts to be uplifted, and the planetary vibrations of these things transforming, so that the physical and the material might transform through these layers of the etheric structure and the astral feeling being transformed.
So intention in the upper chakras beyond the first, in the second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and dimensions beyond that, those going from the human level can go through 3 of those, 3 sets of 12 to 36, and then it is to beyond that to un-manifested and not a body, but those levels are levels of the human acting more as an instrument for the higher forces.
Many speak of angels and guides, Edgar Cayce, Rudolph Steiner, Kryon, and many other channelers, speak of the higher beings of light who serve these intentions of the multi-dimensional realms. So there comes a time when the human must say, “I surrender to the higher intention. I may understand it at some level, but I do not understand it completely. But I have the faith, the hope, the trust, and the belief in the love, the creating, the union, and the template, that there is a plan of love, of light, of purpose, of will, and of unification for the Creator. And that in my other chakras I may be moved and used for a purpose of integration and creation of these higher energies.”
So in some ways I have my human path that I want all this abundance and these things of the first chakra but I have my higher path of my multi-dimensional being that wants to work at that multi-dimensional level. So that is referred to as the call of the soul. In the human body in the crown chakra above the head in your now moment is the seat of the soul that wants the human first chakra that we spoke about, the mundane reality. But up in another space above between your last incarnation and this incarnation is the crown of the soul. And the crown of the soul is the soul serving the greater good in the multi-dimensional level that we spoke of. So in these two levels treads the human being trying to find the balance between this great, great purpose and their life purpose and that difference between the two is called the mission. And the mission is the impulses of the soul to fulfill the higher purpose.
So this is what we wished you to understand this day that you may have an understanding of the friction of soul. To go beyond thinking in the mundane way. To go beyond and think of a greater cycle of the soul’s time on the earth. And this is called the friction of the soul. And it brings in the little un-rests and the little striving to go forward and do more and learn more and to open more and to be more. And it is a good thing, it is a good thing, for it is the divine purpose and the divine mission of the soul. Peace be with you. You are dearly loved. Expect benevolence in all you do. We bid you adieu.
the 5 soul apparatus How to Align to the Heart Field
Greetings dearest beings of light. This is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. In this channel we would like to talk about the heart field. The heart field is part of the outer torus and its relation to the fourth center in the chest. This alignment is different than that of the fourth chakra. The heart field is part of the creational energy and is aligned to the Supreme Being pathway in the heart. This heart center is related to the thymus gland of the central pathway in the chest.*
In this field and pathway of energy there is a relationship to the soul apparatus in the outer Torus. An apparatus is many parts of the spirit bodies anatomy that function together for a purpose. In the outer torus there is universal life, the galactic sensing apparatus or five soul senses**, the galactic gateway to the galactic information in your souls records, the galactic ancestral, the galactic divine feminine, and the pineal creation, pineal communication system.
Universal Life, Galactic Soul Senses, Galactic Gateway to the Soul’s Galactic Records, Galactic Ancestral, Galactic Divine Feminine, Pineal Communication Pineal Creation System.
These pieces and parts work together in five apparatus functions.
The first of the apparatus uses universal life, the galactic senses, the galactic soul information, and the gateway to the high seventh chakra creational system. This apparatus has to do with creating with the wisdom of the past and the ongoing creation at the higher creational levels.
The second apparatus uses universal life and divine feminine, the galactic sensing apparatus, the galactic gateway to the soul’s galactic records, and the pineal creation, pineal communication system. This second apparatus has the function of bringing in knowing and inspiration.
The third apparatus uses the universal life, the universal ancestor energy, the pineal creation, pineal communication system, and gateway to the galactic soul information. This third apparatus has a function relating to the souls ability to heal and create for self and others.
The fourth apparatus uses the universal life, the galactic sensing, the galactic ancestral, the universal understanding of soul group work in the soul galactic information, and the divine feminine creational ability. This fourth apparatus function is for women to heal the heart field of the human crystalline grid and the human akashic grid.
The fifth apparatus uses the galactic universal life, galactic divine feminine, galactic sensing apparatus, the galactic soul information, the universal ancestral energy, and their connection to the seventh chakra inner torus high soul apparatus. Its function is for men and women to affect form and structure in the crystalline and akashic grid of humans.
There are many functions to the soul apparatus at the galactic level but these are the ones humans are predominantly using and are predominantly becoming more active in the revolutionary time that you are in. This combination of these five soul apparatus mean that humans are ready to heal in a profound group way and to bring in new information.
We have spoken about the changes going on in the galactic band at the periphery of the planet between the earth and the galactic bands. These changes or enhancements there have made two of these apparatus come online or ready to function. We have spoken about the need for humans to clear the human crystalline and akashic grids. And how this will speed along the evolution of the planet and contribute to a faster smoothing of the upheaval caused by the increasing higher energy into the planet in these times.
We speak of healing the planet grids often because we are involved in this task. And the heart field is becoming more active in humans because of the set ups and changes that are being made, are ongoing, and will continue. These will bring new and profound healings, information, Inspiration, and devotion to the creative source by those who love to attune to it. In the creation of the planetary grid system and the giving of the 24th chromosome into the interdimensional field with the subsequent physical reduction to 23 visible chromosomes, there was put in place five aspects that are enhanced in this time of the shift change time of a planetary system.***
As we have said two of these are online or functioning now. And over the next 15 years the other three will also come online. We will speak of the other three in our next channel. But we would like to speak about the two mentioned above that are already active. Regarding how to attune to the heart field in this new activated apparatus spoken about above. One can attune in the three ways as we have mentioned in this one's monthly channel on her website. These three ways are through healing, through attuning to the galactic band as we spoke about in previous channels in the Sedona Journal, and by aligning in the heart to the creative source.
A further and more profound way to do this that also engages not only the heart field but the new apparatus mentioned above is to do the following; attune to the heart field in love for the greater good of all, attune to the galactic band at the periphery of the planet between the galactic and earth bands, and attune to the sound in the pineal creation, pineal communication system that is in the high seventh chakra Supreme Being pathway.
These three intention alignments will attune you to the fourth and fifth apparatus mentioned above that have come into function and online, to use your technical terms for your communication technology. This will create a resonance in your soul apparatus, your supreme being pathway energies, and your pineal creation system which also runs through the higher aspects of the higher self. This will help attune your higher self to greater soul alignment and function. And this will help you attune your higher senses beyond your physical and spiritual senses to the soul senses. It will also align your heart field to the greater field outside the outer torus.
In the coming months of this year 2023, there will be an increase in a harmonic frequency starting to run in the galactic band that will also affect these apparatus that are for the healing of the grids. So expect that your intuition, your knowing, and your sensing will become heightened through this year. To explain knowing we would call it high soul sensing of that which is in your galactic records of your experiences. This is vast and great wisdom so that it is called knowing. You are certain of this information. And as we have stated this is a feeling in your heart field.
So we suggest you consider trying this new intention alignment when you meditate, heal, pray, or engage in anything that has to do with alignment to the creative source. This is what we wished you to know this day and to share with you. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and feel, and hear, and we bid you adieu.
* The Supreme Being Pathway is within the 4th Center and goes to aspects in the high 7th Chakra and out into the outer Torus. It the key that drive creational energy. The heart center regulates all the energy of the body.
** The five physical senses have five spiritual senses called by some the Genetic Entity. Another name is the Sensing Apparatus These relate to the the five soul senses. Your senses are how the soul gains information and they go from the body all the way to the soul.
*** The Pleiadian term for what some are calling the shift, planetary evolution, the change in the midpoint of earth’s evolution, the galactic center alignment, the changing light quotient of the earth, and planetary enlightenment.
The information in this channel is about a place in your spiritual energy anatomy referred to as Heaven. Literally that is the translation from ancient information found in the Akashic Records. The Akashic Records are like a library of the recordings of everything you did or did not learn in your spiritual nature. They contain levels of your earthly lives such as where you did not create in light for the higher good of all to the spiritual wisdom and truth you did learn. This place, Heaven, is found in a space between this incarnation and another going up to a place where five streams of energy meet. One of these energies is the Cosmic Energy, the energy of the cosmos where you rode into this planet, for you are indeed from the stars. Another name for the Cosmic Energy is the Heavenly Father. This adds an interesting contemplation to the phrase, “My Father will meet you in Heaven.”
Another concept to contemplate is that you are consciousness residing in a body for a period of time in a particular place in space, dimension, and energy. Thus you can travel with that consciousness to spaces like Heaven in your own spiritual energetic anatomy by being in a heightened awareness in the present now. These spiritual experiences are usually had in spiritual and healing training by being guided by someone who has had the experience. Spiritual training is done in the living teaching oral and experiential tradition. That is the only way to validate yourself as a spirit. Reading about it or someone telling you about it are not the same as direct experience. As a clairvoyant healer, you see this aspect of a living person when their consciousness travels within the energetic spirit anatomy as a ball with the flavor essence of a resonance that gives you the recognition of the person. You can also see other’s lifetimes, dimensions, or spaces in an intent in the now by bringing those into the present now moment. Clairvoyantly, you can see this view as an astral spirit body with the consciousness within it. I hope this helps in understanding of the information below in mind with the concept that we can bring our awareness into other aspects of our multi-dimensional spiritual nature.
”Let us talk about the Christ cosmic joy and cosmic peace.
This is a place where the higher self (1) meets the soul, where the threshold (2) in the seventh chakra meets the eighth chakra. The eighth chakra is the space of awareness. The place where the soul’s working akashic records interfaces into the soul cell and meets the god cell (3), part of your spiritual energy anatomy such that the Creator is within and with you always.
It is a place where there is an understanding of the communion feelings, the higher creational beings or angelic presence feelings, the soul feelings, and the love of the Creator. This is a place of benevolence and grace and below this are seen the deterrents of the other chakras of the spiritual energy body.
The Creator in all kindness and mercy has created a space in the design of the inter-dimensional DNA (4) in your energy field where there is a place where there may be succor and rest. It is a place where you may attune in your meditations, where you may attune for healing, and where you may always feel light and grace. This is a place where the understanding of how to create at a higher level begins. This is an understanding of the divine feminine, divine masculine merge. This is the space of the merge where all the alchemy happens between the ether, and the fire, and the water, and the earth, and the air. This is a place of the miracles upon miracles.
This is the place where the 24th Chromosome(5) interfaces into inter-dimensional DNA. This is the place where the divine blueprint may be accessed up in the 24th Chromosome. It is a place where the higher self meets the soul. The place of the influx of cosmic energy sometimes referred to as the heavenly father. It is the place of the famous words, “My father will meet you in heaven.” It sits between your last incarnation and this one in a place called by some “the second floor”, “the room above”(6). And it is reached by raising your vibration and uplifting your consciousness in attunement to Source.
This is the space of the Wisdom Factor. It is a space, a place, of love, grace, healing, and benevolent compassion. It is the space called Heaven.”
Higher self - the representation of all your earthly lives.
Threshold - the spaces between incarnations in a body when you are back in spirit uniting with soul until the next incarnation or life cycle.
Soul cell, God cell - two points above the threshold in your working akash, that which you are working on presently.
Akash, Akashic Records - you higher self’s records of spiritual experience of all your earthly lives.
The Working Akash is up above the threshold in your space between incarnations. As all this is still within your body and aura, you can say it is way up above your head.
The full Akashic Record is in your aura, the egg shaped energy field that is around and through the body.Interdimensional DNA - is part of the Central Column of energy in the middle of the body. It relates to the DNA in the cells. It is an energetic spiritual resonance, communication, and instruction relay system.
24th Chromosome - is the missing factor on why humans only have 23 cellular chromosomes while all other animals have 24. It is a multidimensional spiritual aspect in the outer torus that gives you the God within. The body and aura, the most common picture on the web, in the inner torus of your energetic anatomy and is the higher self’s records. Your outer torus is more advanced creational soul aspects, the 24th chromosome, and your soul’s galactic akash. Together they make up your 23-26ft wide Human energetic spiritual energy field. The outer torus has a portal to what folks call the Field. The Field is the collective soul group energy of us all at the level of tribes and nations and the Creator’s creation heart engine, for lack of better words.
Second floor - one can raise their consciousness to this place or there are more advanced techniques in which you learn to un-attach to your physical body and rise up in your spirit body to this space. It is the space where it is you and the Creator.
The reason why the guides shared this information about this space is to help you realize that you do not feel or experience the angelic, soul energies, or God in the body. These feelings are a combination of three factors of energies; your Akashic Records, your Original Essence Energy, and the Creative Rings. Your unique soul vibration or soul essence energy, called by some your Original Essence, is made up of the combination of your life force and personal power energy. Your life force is your personal energy off of the Universal energy that comes into the spirit body with your higher self and soul essence. Your personal power is given to you by the Creator and increases with time on the earth in incarnations and wisdom in the akash. And the Creative Rings are 3 circular bands up in the seventh chakra above the head in which your soul comes into and splits into three aspects.
Thus you feel your unique vibration as a spirit by focusing intent on the Original Essence, the Creative Rings, and the Akash Aura. But not in the dense physical body. Another way that works for some people is to intent the three energetic factors mentioned and the space between the aura. This can pull the awareness out of the body into the peripheral focus of the energy outside of the body. We are amazing multi-dimensional spiritual creator beings, the instruments of our soul, and our soul is the true instrument of the Creator!