Don’t you just wish there was a guide book for the newly evolving!

Life Mission Guidance

A new in depth level of soul guidance to validate, affirm, and inform you on your journey of life.

Your Purpose

What your soul hopes to achieve not only in this lifetime, but in its overarching time on earth. Guidance and understanding.

Your Future

What is your soul’s desire for your two forms of expression? How to bring about future evolution
for your particular soul with ease and grace.

Your Sacred Lineage

A brand new level of information!
Your spiritual lineage on earth? A reading of your Christ Spirit Body to reaffirm your sacred self.

Your Mission

What is the task your soul hopes to achieve in
this lifetime? What is your ability to get on this mission and what is in the way.

Your Consciousness

What is the consciousness understanding that
your soul desires? What is in the way? What can
help you change your consciousness.

Your Overview

The overall view. How are you doing? Guidance on considerations and often surprises, for each person’s soul is unique and so is each session!

Soul Mission

60 minute $225

Soul Mission

30 minute $125


Dr Wendy Rowley

One to One By Zoom, Facetime, phone.
One to All By Zoom, Youtube, or live.

Let’s work together

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