THE Great Global Healing Party


Fall Equinox

September 22, 2024 Thursday
7:30 pm EST Live

Created and Inspirited by Dr Wendy Rowley


The Great Global Healing

The Great Global Healing Party is a global healing event engaging in the deep healing that is possible now on our planet for the first time. It is about the healing and clearing of our collective human consciousness at the level of large family groups, tribes and nations
In joyful intent and united as one heart we heal and clear out what is old so that we may make room for an evolution of consciousness, and an increasing potential for solutions and peace on earth!

As we uplift ourselves, we uplift the world,
As we uplift each other, we change the world.

Come partake in the great golden renaissance of healing and leave feeling lighter.

We do this together. Do you hear the call?

There is great spiritual creative power in people aligned in intent for the greater good of all.
And when they unite as one heart and joyfully ask the Creative Source for a benevolent purpose in the time of the great shift…..
healing of the human consciousness field of the earth can happen.
Can you imagine that we can come together and heal our ancestral consciousness of our collective past and influence peace and solutions on earth?
The clarion call from spirit has come, the time is now! Join in and create change in a peaceful grace filled way.
We began in January 2024, and the party continues 4 times a year at the equinox’s and solstices. We can only do this together united as one heart! And you can still receive healing from the past events by intention mediation on The Wonder of Human Design You Tube Channel Playlist: The Great Global Healing Party. That is how amazing you are. To stay updated for upcoming Great Global Healing Parties, sign up below.


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Great Global Healing Party.