the Heart tones



For all women, lovers of vocal toning, and any women interested in trying the simple, elegant, and deeply profound practice of toning,
The Heart Tones© of Women
have arrived.
Vocal toning is using the power of your voice, intent, and a heart centered focus for a variety of purposes.
Toning can move and clear stuck energy, raise your vibration, and has many other deep and mystical applications.
The twenty four Tones of the Heart are here for women with a deeper mystery of how the full 36 tones are brought about.
This section is an introduction of information about these tones and the place to join a workshop.
Deeper information about The Heart Tones lies and unfolds within The Inner Sanctum.

THE Heart Tones
FIrst Live Event
Mt Shasta, CA
Coming December 2025


A two day live online workshop to learn, practice, and be enhanced by The Heart Tones.

10 am - 4 pm EST USA
Time off for lunch

2025 Dates
February 15 & 16
April 19 & 20
June 21 & 22
October 18 & 19

Information, Zoom links to connect,
and handouts are emailed before class.


Learn the history of these ancient tones, why they are here now, what they do, how you become transformed through the process, and the power within the profound alchemical energy of women united together in intent as one heart. Regain your divine feminine spiritual self esteem and power!

Get enhanced and engage with a community of women in the highest sacred alchemy there is in these times.
Let us revel in the celebration of women owning their true spiritual capabilities and changing the world in a peaceful grace filled way.

Gain understanding and know that this work gives you not only elegant healing in your individual being but also contributes to deeper levels of healing at the collective soul group level.

It takes only 300 women united as one heart to clear the collective experience on the human consciousness grid of all women from Egyptian times to the present…a vast epoch of time, the age of the negation of women.

Gain wisdom in understanding the three sacred potentials that are enfolded within this work that can give you gifts that are available to use now…..enhanced feminine intuition and healing capabilities.

A living wisdom teaching.
While learning The Heart Tones of Women is
the same practice for all, every class is different depending on the size and consciousness of the group.


The Primer

Dearest beings of light. This is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. Today we wish to speak about the healing tones. The tones are designed for the spiritual aspect of the human system to enhance healing.

This complex of healing tones affects the spirit body's three templates in your souls forces in the twenty fourth chromosome up in the spirit body high soul alpha and omega area. You can think of this area as a place out of your body in between this and your last incarnation.

This area can be accessed by your consciousness. Your consciousness is multi-dimensional and it can go through all time, space, and dimensional constructs. Therefore you only have to intend, align to the divinity within, intend to go there, release, and you will be in that space. It is from this space that you can access many benevolent forces. It is often called the space of heaven.

This space is like a high, high second floor. The second floor is a metaphor used in healing schools, in the ancient temples, and in spiritual practices to indicate a high place up in the seventh chakra where you commune with just your self and the creator.

So the place to tone is in the intention of this high, high place that we call the high holy sanctum. It is like a third floor which is why we called it the high, high second floor. The energies available there are not confounded with many of the forces found in the lower three chakras; one, two, and three. So when you tone you intend to be in this high place.

In this space you will feel more of the beauty, the light, the grace, and the benevolence of the tone that you are voicing. For toning is not the same as singing. Singing engages the lower three chakras. Toning is for transformational work with the higher self and soul’s forces through the voice of the higher chakras.

So we introduce this concept so that you have understanding that toning is simple, beautiful, elegant, and profound. This one, the vessel I speak through, feels that when she tones she is in her church where she loves the divine, the creator forces, and the Supreme Being. Intention, transformation, alignment, and attunement, it is the key to healing and evolution.

Intention is desire with a purpose. Transformation is evolution in action. Alignment is to be grounded to the earth below and aligned to the cosmic above. And attunement is to be in the heart in the intention to have alignment with creative forces and the Supreme Being. We describe God as the Supreme Being because of other gods and goddesses worshiped in ancient times. And this terminology is very ancient.

So we give you this primer so that when you read more about the Heart Tones, the healing tones, you have understanding of the basics of what tones are about and what they are aligned with.

Long ago when those from the Pleiades came to this planet to create the grids, and the time capsules, and the healing systems, and the evolutionary systems, and the divinity systems, we did so to prepare the earth for you. We passed on all that we had done before in our evolution and how we evolved to become in enlightenment. What is enlightenment?

Enlightenment is the alignment of the interdimensional DNA to the cosmic forces, the planetary forces, the creational forces, and the manifestational forces with the Supreme Beings ultimate blueprint. It happens over a long period of time in the evolution of a planet.

Did you ever imagine that your evolution is enmeshed* in the planets physical and spiritual evolution? For it is the spiritual beings who evolve a planetary system. So it is not totally personal but it is universal. Just as you are not all about you personally but are also about you universally, you in relation to a group and the whole.

So be at peace and consider singing and toning the happy tones of healing. And we said that singing includes the lower three chakras and alignment is of the upper three chakras and you evolve through toning out of the lower three chakras up to the higher chakras which is why we included both singing and toning. So you start out singing and you evolve to toning. And no matter what you are always in the middle of evolution for there is always more ahead of where you are. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and we bid you adieu.

* interdimensional DNA - part of the spirit body anatomy, in the central column and in the cells. * enmeshed - entangled.

Albert Einstein


Greetings dearest beings of light, this is Allaenea of cosmic service, Pleiadian mother of sound. This day we wish you to have understanding of the coming potentials for the light workers in this new energy. In the post or second half of the 36 year galactic window of the shift change time of a planetary system there is a predominance in focus of healing

This new energy has been enabled along with some connections made by some masters and adepts who prepared the grids for advanced work. This advanced work was done by approximately 12 individuals around the globe. This has not been known in its entirety. Humans work with higher creational beings often with no full understanding of the larger plan. There is a new ability to get a greater understanding of the over arching plan during the midpoint of a planetary evolution. So it is this we wish to speak about today

The humans who feel the call of the soul and the higher self in conjunction with the impulse coming from higher creational beings often are the light workers. Light workers simply means the soul has had enough incarnations to carry the light of the creative source through the soul forces and consciousness. Therefore in planetary evolution there are light workers who carry the greater work of the responsibility to change some of the energetics and universal energies on the grids and matrices as the universal life is changed in it's potential by a cooperation of higher creational beings and humans. Higher creation beings are those who laid the grids, matrices, firmament, and blueprints for humanity.

The grids are constructs of consciousness. The matrix is for larger constructs of consciousness of nations. Firmaments are blueprints of evolution that model the Supreme Beings directives. Directives of the Supreme Being our potentials of bringing in aspects of the creative source. Humans tend to think of these as being qualities such as love, hope, and benevolence. But Supreme Being constructs and directives are much juicier and ennobled for a greater picture. We stated in the last channeling about the tones that the humans are enmeshed in the evolution of the earth, that they cause the earth to evolve by their own evolution.

This evolution is grand and includes species, the planet, the planet’s consciousness, and overlays the being of the earth as well as its communication with other planetary bodies of consciousness. For if all is energy and in physics scientists now accept that energy has information, then all information can also be described as consciousness. Therefore consciousness is a form of evolutionary creation.

In the foundation of the laying of the grids, and matrices, and firmament there is a potential for a weaving into an advanced consciousness by the information that was placed at a higher octave within the grids. This advanced information is a potential to create a fresh paradigm from what came before. And what came before was what was the evolution of our planetary system in which we became enlightened. And we described enlightenment as an alignment with inter-dimensional DNA and Supreme Being aspects through creation. Yet in each planetary system there is the ability to go beyond what was before and to create in a different way. So although we left the information of our enlightenment process; our inventions, our spiritual revolutionary anatomy, our societal changes, and our physical and spiritual changes, humans on earth will create in their own live as it happens group creational process.

In the evolution of the earth the grids are cleared so that the higher octave information we placed of our experience, and happenings, and inventions is able to be accessed. So the tones of healing are coming in at this time to enable the healing of the grids along with the tones of evolution which are already here. We wished you to understand the deeper underlying magnificence of the tones of healing. For not only do they heal the higher spiritual anatomy of your interim spirit body but they also heal the grids and make possible the new information to percolate forward into the consciousness of those who receive it. So expect that there is a micro and macro process to all creating.

This is what we wished you to know this day and we share this with you in love and excitement over how well humans are choosing to align to the higher forces available through the incoming energies. You are dearly loved, expect benevolence in all you do, and we bid you adieu.