women’S Divine Feminine Heart Field Unity Healing
a new healing paradigm for All WOmen In the New
divine feminine energy
of the great shift.
Women’s Divine Feminine Heart Field Unity Healing brings in a new resonance in the heart field for women to be able to heal in the heart field of the unity field.
For there is the old energy, and at the shift comes the new energy, and therefore a way to heal this is needed and only women can do this.
For women are connected to a very profound level of the divine intelligence and heart field of the Creator which comes through the high heart unity field of women.
What is the Heart Field Unity Field?
It i is the pinnacle of the outer torus. A place of neutrality. Come find out more about this profound connection space for women and what gifts are available now in the new divine feminine energy of the heart unity field of women.
Learn more about women’s sacred task in the new divine feminine energy of the great shift. And why this healing energy for women is coming in now.
In the new paradigm of the great shift is also an upgrade to personal power and divine intelligence in the heart field. This is a new and remarkable thing for no healing system has been able to clear what is called the heart field valence before. And now it can be done in this benevolent healing paradigm.
A delicious new space
It is easy to learn and remarkably simple to do, as are many of the new healing paradigms arriving in the new divine feminine energy.
Any women can do Women’s Divine Feminine Unity Field Healing.
No massage table need for the client to lie down.
No physical or hand touching by the healer.
Just soul to soul in grace full intentions, just like as in Women’s Resonance Healing of Heart Field Healing II.
A live workshop and living wisdom teaching class.
Receive new information and understanding from Dr Wendy along with Living Wisdom Teaching. What is Living Wisdom Teaching?
It is a high mind time capsule channeling of new profound information…flavored by the unique energetic of each class group.
Done in the time of the cosmic divine feminine energy window, this enhancement goes forward for you to engage in this simple, elegant, new women’s healing paradigm.
Boldly step Into
New Energy!
About: 1.5 hours Live Workshop
Tuesday Evening
8 pm EST USA
Total $ 100.00
Learn: Get enhanced, learn to do.
2025 Dates: February 25 April 29
June 24 Oct 28
Signup: Click the pink button to register
and purchase.
Information, Zoom links to
connect, and handouts are
emailed before class.
Questions: Use the contact form
in the store