Life was simpler when we were young.

Life Cycle Guidance

a fresh perspective, understanding, healing, and New Information to Help you move through life with grace.

Gain understanding

Get information about the energies behind the scene adding impact into the situation affecting you and the way you feel and think.

Gain Healing

Healing is one of your four spiritual natures and with guidance you can move out that which no longer serves you.

Gain Freedom

With the grace and ease of shifting in an atmosphere of joy and laughter. Unburden the
weight on your shoulders.

Gain insight

Into that which needs to change hidden in the underlayers. What is your soul’s desire in this experience?

Gain the broad picture

Life has cycles, seasons, rhythms, and flows.
Gain wisdom in understanding the impact of 3 major cycles on you now.

Gain Lightness of Being

The number one comment afterward is “I feel lighter.”……..
as we are empowered and renewed again in our true heart’s essence.

Life cycle Guidance

60 minute $225

Life cycle Guidance

30 minute $125


Dr Wendy Rowley

One to One By Zoom, Facetime, phone.
One to All By Zoom, Youtube, or live.

Let’s work together

Interested in working together? Fill out some info and I will be in touch shortly! I can't wait to hear from you!