Active Meditation Course


Meditation is the number one stress reduction method studied. Meditation has both passive and active forms. Passive as the observer. Active as the co-creator.

Most teachings on meditation are the passive form, but in our ancient history, both forms were practiced, for this is the balance of forces and principles.


Passive meditation is a practice of sitting in quiet, eyes closed, in silence. It calms the primitive flight or fright Sympathetic Nervous System. A regular meditation practice attunes the calming, relaxed Parasympathic Nervous System. It moves your awareness from without to within, thus allowing the state of passive observation and inner alignment.

Active Meditation is using the abilities inherent within your nature in a creative way. It is to learn about your amazing ability to create and empower your physical life by actively engaging these abilities within meditation. This course teaches these ancient simple profound techniques for self change, self nurturing, self healing, and co-creating.

What is Active Meditation?

Acitve meditation is an ancient practice to learn to use your spiritual abilities and gain mastery through its application for a variety of purposes. It engages the power of your soul’s creational abilities through creative visualization by engaging the language of the soul.

Some of its many benefits are:
- the ability to get into and recognize heart coherence and pattern in a heart centered life.
- manage your energetic anatomy to keep you in the present now moment.
- lessen the opposing resonance to your past or old energies.
- get your energy field into proper alignment thus contributing to greater balance and calm.
- learn self healing is easy and fun with words, pictures, color, light, and sound.
- learn self autonomy and healthy boundaries.
- heal with your heart and mind that your energy body is free ….
free of old patterns of repetitive behavior, emotions, and thoughts that no longer serve you.
- learn how to create within the divine design.
- see the beauty in the design in that you were made in love with profound connections to the creative
- and to unfold to greater self love leading to greater love for all.

This basic meditation is practiced in all the classes, groups, and events within The Wonder of Human Design.

WhaT You Will Learn

Power of Creation

The power Within Imagination,
IdeaL, Intention

Power of Senses

HOW TO Build aN Inner TemplE

Power of Space

The Center
The Depth
The Breath

Power of Belief

You as Creator
Living Daydreams
believe in the possibility of everything

Power of Change

The Flow
The Gold
the SouL

Power of Relation


Within this course you receive:
5 Guided Meditation Videos
2 Videos Lectures
19 Handouts
2 Review Handouts with Diagrams and Images.

All that you need to give you the tools and understanding to begin your own practice to create change, growth, greater joy, abundance of spirit, and self acceptance.

These tools are practiced in most all of the workshops and events …so not only do you have this resource always available but it gives you confidence to join in as an active co-creator in the group events.

Thus you can practice at home on your own and practice in the group events offered.

The Active Meditation Course

The tools, understanding, and practices of an ancient art applicable for modern times. Guided meditation videos to access whenever you want.

One time

Comments about this teaching

  • I had no luck with meditating in the past but these tools have worked for me! I have greater peace and confidence in my ability to control my mood. So simple yet so profound.

    Karen M.

  • These simple visualizations are life changing! They give me another way to manage stress and increased my compassion.

    Pam R.

  • I have never meditated but these tools work. I did a workshop, which was awesome! I want to learn more!!

    James B.