The Wonder of human Design

Empowering people to be a self nurturing beacon of their inner light.

NEW Sound And Healing TOOLS for deeper, faster Release now


One of the secrets of life is to understand that you create for yourself and if you create a benevolent dream then you naturally serve the whole. Learning how to create in alignment, in attunement, in that which you have the ability to affect and knowing how to do so is the way to effectively flow in harmony with the creative forces. Simple yet powerful, easy to use tools are taught in all of the work, group and private.


With in your design, you can become self empowered to heal with the wholeness of your being so that you can transform in effortless creation. The dominant harmony of the soul as a tonic to the body, mind, and emotions enables you as a co-creator to create a balanced life. The ability to heal is one of your innate gifts.

Heart Field Healing II Course Coming Soon

Life and healing are a
journey of learning…
You are magnificent
Your body is magnificent.


Communing, creating, and healing within your spiritual nature enables authentic expression.
You in resonant alignment with the harmony of the greater symphony of life. You can be the embodied expression of the flow of self love and thus enable the love underlying all creation.

Sessions Private and Group


Your body, aura field, consciousness, and connection to source, with all of your information and wisdom, are contained in the universe of the circle of your energy which encompasses you. Within that design you can hold the space within your self that you are magnificent. Re-familiarizing how to tap the source of that magnificence. And re-establish self nurture within that magnificence.

We are living in remarkable
TImes regarding the ability
to transform, heal, and


Around you is a multiverse full of amazing support and help. All that is required is the asking. We are coming together in ever growing groups of people world wide to actively birth new living day dreams to awaken our evolving consciousness. In energy work, meditation, sacred sound, graceful intention, and group initiation we work to imagine the benevolent possibility of everything. Come be together as one to heal the human consciousness history on the earth.

The Human design was created in purposed love with an ever evolving capacity for health, healing, rejuvenation, illumination, and divine unfoldment. Attune your emotions, feelings, and thinking in easy to use tools to heal and create to be self empowered. And empowered you can transform, renew, and reestablish deeper self esteem, connection, and communion with your magnificence.

inner sanctum
For Women

Stay tuned